Friday, March 14, 2008

Weather Induced Misery

I've been thinking about what I posted last week,

"Daily temperature 35 degrees, no sunshine, result misery".

We've had a week of unremitting gloom. It has rained quite a bit - there were flood warnings over the weekend and the National Guard was handing out sandbags. But all the anticipation came to naught. I'm so so so ready for winter to go away. Spring is late this year. Usually by now we've heard the little peepers singing in the swamp.

I've been following the weather in other parts of the country and I know that Minnesota is colder than here. I've tried to keep a sense of proportion, therefore, because however horrid it is here, it's colder there.

But it makes no difference. I've decided that there is only a certain amount of weather-induced misery that any one person can feel. Once you reach that outer limit (assuming the absence of war, famine, natural disaster, poverty, death, and insect swarms) it really makes no difference whether it's a little colder, hotter, wetter etc.

And I have reached that outer limit. I am at the Peak of Weather-Induced Misery. All my loved ones are well. I am busy and engaged with interesting tasks. Life is good. But I need some Springtime Now.


David Briggs said...

For me, its not the length of the season which has gotten to me this year, but rather the unremitting cold (which fortunately, has finally broken its back) which we had this year here in Minnesota. Day after day of mostly temperatures in either single digits, or below zero. Ugg.

Mister Cellophane

The Bride said...

Yes, this winter has been long and unremitting.