The COG asked what 'Reno' meant - fearing, perhaps, that I was looking into quickie divorces in Nevada. I rather reluctantly explained to him that it was short for 'Renovation'. He hasn't done anything divorce worthy since..... well, really, since forever. But I'm not sure I want him to know that - it might be good to keep him on his best behavior, worrying about Reno.

Anyway, here's where we are, in the last slow stages. Most of the raw wood has been primed and, on rainy days, the painter will be back to work on it some more. You can see the patches where I'm trying out different colors. I've made my selections, now. I"ve got fabric for the window seat cushions and the window valances.

I set up a little table for the COG and I to eat on, because our big dining room table is covered with Stuff moved from this room. (Note to Self: get rid of some Stuff)

Once the painting is done, the fireplace is getting tiled and the floors are getting repaired and refinished. Then there's just some wiring and some plumbing/heating and installing the stoves. And the kitchen - painting cupboards and new counters and.... So, we are hoping to have it finished in, oh, another 6 weeks or so.
Love the fireplace wall, love the window seats.
In the early photos from the reno, as the bookcase wall came down, there was a wonderful sense of openness to the space. Has that been retained?
Yes, it's wonderfully open. Every time I enter the space, I feel wonderful.
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