Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hi, Again

It has been months since I last posted. There have been lots of times I thought - ooooo I must blog that, but didn't. So what I propose to do is blog very frequently, maybe every day for a while. I'll probably put up some things from last fall that never got blogged, and maybe some new things, too.

We've just had a long visit of our whole family - son, daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren. It was just fantastic to have them here for such a long visit and the house seems quite empty without them. So here are some pictures:

1) Miss A. having an early lesson in Aperture from Grandpa
2) The family out for a walk at Castle Hill on New Year's Day
3) Miss T. is a cowgirl, riding a Lallow horse (Lallow being her favorite color)
4) Miss A. at Crane's Beach exploring sand.
5) Miss T. flying, with help from her Dad. This was taken a couple of months ago, but I love it so I included it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Bride. Welcome back to the blogosphere! We've missed you.