I haven't blogged for a while but not because nothing has been happening. I"ve been in MN visiting Daughter of, Son in Law of and Miss T. I do have some pictures that I will share in the next few days, but I'm starting with The Kitchen.
I wanted to make a play kitchen for MIss T. Sure, we could have bought one but I wanted to build it. So, that was the project I had in mind when I left. Something like this one. Cute, isn't it. Looks simple. I can do that.
But then, Daughter of and I started to look at what we had and look at pictures and, well, one thing led to another and we thought - hey! why not base it on Monet's kitchen from Giverny? Because why? Well, for one thing, why not. And for another, the tiles are so cool. I mean, who wouldn't rather have this one?

I could mention here that I'm insane. I have my father's voice in my head saying 'no such word as can't'. And, of course, Daughter of, has my voice in her head saying 'you can do anything you set your mind to.' Put us together on a project and it's a natural as rain for a simple Ikeahack kitchen to turn into Monet's kitchen.
So that's what we are doing. And I say 'are doing' because it's still a work in progress. We could have finished the first sad little play kitchen in the week we had, but the more ambitious Monet Play Kitchen will take a little more work. IOW, I'm going back this summer to complete it.
I know you want to see pictures but I first just want to say that this is the most fun I've had in ages. And it's not done. You are seeing a partially completed kitchen. If we'd had just one more day.....

There will be a little dish rack above the sink (from a disassembled Ikea dish drainer that I brought home to finish here) and hanging copper pans and jelly molds (sprayed Ikea kidstuff) above the stove.
Oh and the refrigerator.... we don't know what Monet had, of course, so we improvised. It will look like a piece of furniture with panelled door and fancy schmancy footed base.

We had no idea what we were doing most of the time. The fancy base on the refrigerator is cut down from an old tv stand. We figured things out as we went along, which takes time. I mean it's all very well to imagine the final product, but how to get to that takes a lot of.... we had to substitute trial and error for actual skill. But what a lot of fun.
I'll blog the final kitchen in the summer when it's finished.
Since you're having so much fun working on kitchens, I invite you to come have some fun with ours in Portland.
I'm not sure I can convince the other interest holders in the kitchen to go with a Giverny look, however.
It already looks spectacular--obviously the key idea at Giverny and at Miss T's is blue tile. Once that wall of blue & white is in place, everything else looks charming. The black stove with brass trim will be "formidable"!
This is the sort of thing that you could blog about, step by step. I'm thinking of an amusing write-up of a Spike action figure made from GI Joe (iirc) a long time ago or the recreation of Helm's Deep in Christmas Candy with licorice orcs. In any case, I'm eager to see how the project progresses.
Monet's kitchen at Giverny may affect my thinking about my kitchen here in the American heartland! French country and craftsman--surely they mix?
And, yes, thank goodness you are having such fun with such a crazy idea!
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