Words do not describe, nor pictures capture this wonderful walk. The weather was a bit cooler - low 80's and there was a wonderful fresh breeze from the sea the whole way. And the scenery was wild and wonderful. We all realized that what we love best is walks in wild places with rugged scenery and no people.
Along the way we visited a ruined hermitage belonging to a big landowning monastery - Sant Pere de Rodes, which overlooked Port de la Selva. The hermitage was built in the 10th century with additions through the 16th century.
It was pretty impressive, not not at all what I think of as a hermitage. Admittedly, I'm a little hazy on hermitages - remembering mostly the Monty Python skit where they all lived in caves and gossiped constantly. Sister Rose thought it was probably more of a retreat. I thought it might be more like a vacation home - where the monks would spend their summer hols. It was a spectacular site, but Sant Pere de Rodes had an even more spectacular site. I don't know if there was some kind of defensive/strategic reason to have it.
We arrived in the absolutely magical seaside town of Cadaques pleasantly tired, but with plenty of energy to walk around town, have a drink in a beachside cafe and, a bit later, dinner in a touristy cafe. More to come about Cadaques.
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