The Bride received a new 3d gen Nano, named Dulcibella, so adorable and tiny. And a new large screen to use with her laptop computer, named Bluebell.
The Bride will have to wean herself from Annabelle, her old ipod, which feels more like a pet, than technology. It will be wrenching.
Why why why does the Bride never learn not to name things?
Because Apple encourages you to name things.
Is the common thread of "belle" intentional, or has it just turned out that way? Lovely names, all. Much more thematic than mine, which follow the trends of my mind at the time of naming: Serena, Leonie, Adele, Capability (all computers), Biana and Orpheo (iPods).
Annabelle started the 'belle' phenom, because I liked it. Then I've just continued it.
Apple encourages it in a way, but the name they gave it was "The Bride's Ipod" and I had to change it. I probably wouldn't attach so much if I used the default.
Here's hoping that you had a good birthday, even if these wishes are a bit belated. And for those not in the know, I did wish the Bride a Happy Birthday ON her birthday, but privately, this though is in public.
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