We've been so busy that I haven't had time to get to the pub to blog. What have we done? We had a lot of chores to do yesterday - talking to the property managers, buying little odds and ends etc. But last night we went to see
The Lady Boys of Bankok.. Yes, that's right, the Cranky Old Geezer and I went to see the Ladyboys. They've been appearing in Brighton almost every time we've been here and the time just seemed right.
To cut a long story short - they were fantastic. It was really a fun evening. The show is held in a huge tent on a green area kiddy-corner from The Pavilion, probably part of the old Pavilion garden. You sit at tables, not in rows, and you can get Thai food and lots of drinks there. We had eaten ahead of time and didn't drink anything, but most people were pretty sloshed. The audience was probably 80% women out for a ladies night.
The show was all lip synced popular songs - from Lady Gaga, to Beyonce, to a big Michael Jackson tribute, a song from Grease etc. All big numbers, and in between big numbers, a humorous number performed in front of the curtain. These were music hall saucy, and lots of fun.
And the ladyboys - my God! the most beautiful women you've ever seen, and all of them men. At the intermission they did pictures with people from the audience, so 4 of them spent 1/2 an hour in front of the curtain talking with each other except when pictures were being taken. Even the way they moved was feminine.
The whole thing was kind of surreal - especially since we had been reading about riots and civil disorder in Bankok yesterday. But we had a great time.