However, it turns out that plugging my earphones into a Georgette Heyer audiobook- doesn't matter which one - puts me right to sleep. It's not that they bore me - never never never think that. I think it's a brain thing, that listening to words activates or distracts my brain in such a way that I can sleep. And Georgette Heyer's words, in particular, are so worn into my brain that I can travel smoothly down those tracks into deep sleep. When I wake for a moment and hear her words in my ears, I am reassured that all is right with the world and I move back into sleep.
Thank-you once again, Georgette Heyer. Her books have been my companions since I first discovered them in a store in Canada on a band trip at the age of 15. I bought The Grand Sophy and Regency Buck the first day. The second day I went back and bought The Corinthian and Friday's Child and Venetia. I have never been far from one of herbooks ever since. They are comfort food for my soul.